Here’s how it works, what we do and what you get.
SpeedupShare collects the name, address, email address and many times phone number for YOU in 3 ways:
1) Speedupshare will provide prospects most likely to buy in the next 6 months. (name, address, email address, and many times phone number).From dealership and manufacturers marketing efforts. I.E Lease expires and programmatic ads.
2) Speedupshare will provide in-market data and real-time data on local consumers (name, address, email address, and many times phone number) who are shopping for a new or used car on the web.
3) Speedupshare will use brand new geo-fencing technology to identify potential car buyers visiting your dealership and all new car competitor dealerships within a 75-mile radius of your store. From the geo-fence, we will give you name, address, email address and many times phone numbers of many potential prospects.
The above prospect data will be packaged and presented to you daily and monthly in a format that works for you.